From the BJE March of the Living Website:
"BJE March of the Living is a two week experience during which teens (current 11th & 12th graders) from all over the world travel together to Poland and to Israel to learn about the Jewish people’s past, present and future. The program in Poland focuses on the pre-World War II Jewry and the Holocaust. The Los Angeles delegation is honored to be accompanied by Holocaust survivors who become guides, story-tellers and surrogate grandparents to the group.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day the Los Angeles delegation, along with thousands of people from all over the world march in solidarity from Auschwitz to Birkenau to remember the lives lost during the Holocaust. In Israel, programming gives participants the opportunity to reflect on the hardships they saw during the past week, but also to look forward and see all of the incredible accomplishments and advancements the Jewish state has made since its establishment. The core programming of the week in Israel is centered around two days: Israel’s Memorial Day and Israel’s Independence Day reinforcing the fact that Am Yisrael Chai – the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland live!"